Whenever I book a high school senior session, it’s like Christmas Day! I just LOVE shooting them! High school and college seniors are always willing to do fun (and sometimes crazy) stuff whether that be different poses or interesting locations. They are always up to anything!
There are many factors that go into making a Senior Session successful. Before the shoot even happens, there is a lot of communication about wardrobe, hair, make-up, shoes, different props etc and of course location. Springtime is usually my busiest for Senior sessions and honestly, its such a great time to have a session. The wildflowers are in bloom EVERYWHERE! Love the mustard flowers? How about the poppies or lupines? Even the wild and purple flower feels are an option. None of those interest you? The grass is super green and vibrant which adds such a beautiful element to any session.
If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, there are SO many options for High School Senior Sessions. If you don’t want wildflowers or an open field, an urban location is another great option. When I am downtown Walnut Creek or Concord or Martinez, I am always looking for cool, eclectic buildings that I could use for Senior Sessions. Honestly, the possibilities are endless. Staircases, brick walls and fun doorways are just some ideas to use for posing your Seniors.
For M’s session, she asked for wildflowers. Don’t blame her because they are my favorite to shoot in this time of year. We found a cute spot in Walnut Creek for her Senior Session that had so much versatility. We started in the mustard flowers, then moved to a fence and ended on the bridge. SO many beautiful shots of her! Check them out below and let me know your fav!
Booking a session is easy! Click here to schedule a kick off call with me.

Love what you see and want to book a session for that special graduating Senior in your life? Click here to book now!
See more of my favorite Senior Sessions:
[…] Walnut Creek Senior Session […]