These gorgeous wildflowers start blooming at just the perfect time here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Just after months of being stuck inside from the rain, the flowers are such a bright spot! And more importantly, they are perfect for Mommy & Me Sessions. Every time I bring kids to these mustard flowers, they immediately begin making little, delicate bouquets to give to each other or their mom. It truly is the sweetest.
If you are on the hunt for the infamous Wildflowers or what some call Mustard Flowers, you gotta put in some work! They aren’t always in the best locations, often alongside the freeway or in a small field with lots of buildings. I have used the same field EVERY year. Without fail, it blooms in early March and has not only the yellow flowers, but also white and purple wildflowers. It’s just stunning!
For this sweet Motherhood Session, we started at a gorgeous overlook. I wanted her to have variety, so we moved quickly and snapped some out in the open space and then moved down the street to the wildflowers. The lighting was PERFECT when we arrived. These two adorable girls were just the cutest. We played games with mom, made flower bouquets, snuggled, ran around the fields and in the end, I just let them be kids and we managed to get so many cute shots.

Aren’t they so cute?! If you love these and would like some just like this with your own babes, reach out! March is the best time to ensure the flowers are in full bloom so be sure to get yourself on my calendar!
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Kaitlyn Rose Photography | Bay Area Family Photographer | Families, Maternity, Newborn, Seniors and Branding
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